Words: I got 'em.
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Travel Leaders Group

From August 2018 onward, I’ve been a copywriter at Travel Leader’s Group in Alexandria, Virginia. Very (very) early into my employment here, my boss remarked to me, “Hey: You’re incredible at long-form content. That used to be a weakness of ours.” While I do occasionally get to dabble with email campaigns, promo pages and direct mailers, I’ve enjoyed the lion’s share of online blogs and magazine articles.

Not pictured below is a responsibility I’ve come to absorb: Search Engine Optimization. With the departure of our dedicated SEO Content Strategist, all SEO tasks for all online content were diverted to me — the person closest to the blogs. I quickly tackled the task of learning what SEO was, and what it meant for my blog-writing. While other writers viewed SEO as “a huge pain” or “soul-sucking,” I came to view optimizing as a type of form poetry. With an optimized blog, there are set rules for you to play within when writing it, and how successful the content is depends entirely on your creativity.

I’ve successfully earned the “SEO Essentials Certification” from Moz, and continue to work towards honing my understanding of the art of SEO.

Savoring and Saving Africa's Wilderness

Savoring and Saving Africa's Wilderness

Savoring the Sands of Time

Savoring the Sands of Time

The online version of this print article is forthcoming.

Untamed Imaginations: Family Fun in the Wilds of Cape Town

Untamed Imaginations: Family Fun in the Wilds of Cape Town

Savoring the Best Gelato in Florence

Savoring the Best Gelato in Florence

Living Out the Magic of Game of Thrones

Living Out the Magic of Game of Thrones

The Captivating Discoveries of Cairns

The Captivating Discoveries of Cairns

Read all about Cassius — the world’s largest crocodile — as well the other points of interest at Cairns at this blog.